How to…

Are you new in blogging? You don’t know why your blog is quiet? Or you just want to create a blog? Then, you’ve come to the right place. Here, I’ll share some of my experiences in blogging.

1. How to Create a Blog

First thing first, you must know your reason why you want to create a blog. Through blog, you can share your experiences, poems, story, hobby, anything. You also can get many new friends in blog world, or widely known as blogosphere. Still in blog, you can improve your skills, such as writing, designing, and communicating. Sounds fun, isn’t it? 😀

Eventhough it has many advantages, there’re some written and unwritten rules in blogosphere. For those whose blog created in free blog hosting such as WordPress[dot]com, Blogger, Multiply, or else, there’ll always be Terms of Service which we must obey. So, make sure you read it untill finish, or your blog will be suspended if you don’t read it entirely. While the unwritten rules are:

  • Never Do a Copy-Paste

Yes, never. If your blog is free-hosted, you’ll be told to the central crew that you violated the ToS. Your blog will temporary suspended (it means your blog is unaccesible from outside, except from your admin place) until the next information from the central crew. Worse, your blog will be expelled from the community and soon you’ll get a bad mark in blogosphere.

  • Never Do Such Tag-Whoring

Don’t know tag-whoring? It’s a condition where there’re many irrelevant tags in single post. Yeah, I know you want everybody to read your post, but with that irrelevant tags, many of your visitor will leave your blog. 😉

  • Black SEO

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, a technique to get visitors from search engine such as Google, Yahoo, and else. While the Black-SEO itself is creating as many irrelevant keywords in your blog so people who need something from search engine will come to your blog but there’re nothing he searching for (don’t know the correct words, if You know, please tell me). It also will make your blog suspended forever (and maybe your account too), so be careful. 😉

  • Adult Contents

If your blog contain adult materials, even just a news, please change your blog category to “adult blog”. If you’re not, there’ll be other people who will tell your blog to the crew.

If you don’t want those things happen in your blog, I recommend you just write down what you’ve mastered, your experiences, your hobby, or your thoughts. It’s what the most blogger said as good blogs.

2. How to Draw Visitors

You’ve created a blog but there’s nobody visit your blog? Oh, c’mon, don’t be upset. Let’s try this tips, write your hobbies for a while, and keep it updated. I’m sure that people will refer to your blog when they search something connected with your hobbies.

The other way is to give some comments to other blogs, and leave your blog address there. What, you don’t know how to leave your blog address? Okay, in every blog, there’re always a comment form attached. Usually, it’s contains of three main parts: Name (your real name or nickname), E-mail (please give the active one, so when the owner want to send you something, it’ll help him/her), and URL (your blog/site address). Just fill in the URL form with your blog address such ( I’m sure, if your comments are good, they’ll pay you a visit or maybe drop some comments in your blog. 🙂

3. How to Get Many Friends

The best part in blogging, I’d say. In blogosphere, you’ll find many blogs with many topics and writing style. If you like, you can befriend with everybody who have same interests with you. But it’s better if you also make friends with other people too. When visiting their blog, don’t forget to leave your blog address and learn their writing style to improve your own.

If you’ve got many friends, don’t forget to visit them regularly to maintain the friendship. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll be end up joining blog community in your region. If so, beside post in your own blog, you also can write a post in the community blog. Of course, pay attention to your language when write in community.

4. How to Maintain/Increase Traffics to Your Blog

Maybe this one is what you’ve waiting for. 😆
Yes, writing a blog means you’ll get traffic to your blog. It only happen if you have practiced SEO, and tips number 2 and 3. Traffic means how many visitors visit your blog in a time period. The best way to maintain or even increase your traffic, is become master of your own writing. It means, you post anything what you’ve mastered. Your posts also have to contain important keywords related with the posts.

Once you’ve done it, many people will recommend your blog when their friends want to know about something and that is available in your blog. Of course, you also have to increase your writing skill to write down good-quality posts.

That’s four tips from me. I hope it’ll help you in any way. 🙂

P.S: This post may edited sometimes if I found some mistakes. And please correct if there are any wrong grammar, phrase, or else. :mrgreen:

About Reinhart

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.
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22 Responses to How to…

  1. kuclukz says:

    gawe bahasa linggis,..
    ra iso nerjemahno..
    tapi intine ngerti maksudte

  2. aRuL says:

    sip. sangar rek…
    wah ilmu ngeblognya ditularin.. sip..

  3. atrix_hui says:

    waw… semuanya nih…. heheheehe
    tapi setidaknya saya masih ngerti artinya 😀

  4. rei_psycho d' st★r says:

    Ngerti kok.
    Nmr 4 mksdnya ap y?

  5. I guess one of the best way to maintain the traffic is by writing about religious issues; it’s one of the favourite dish served well out there. 😛

    Is the entry meant to be SEO-ed? :mrgreen: *get kicked*

  6. MaxBreaker says:

    Thanx for the tips Master! Yeah, I am a newbie and my blog is very quiet 😦 . So this article is very helpful for me.

    topik agama masih kalah jauh bos sama topik mesum, gyahahaha :mrgreen:

  7. t4rum4 says:

    hwahh… baca judulnya dah cukup.. 😀

  8. @MaxBreaker:
    Kita ‘kan lagi bicara yang legal. :mrgreen:

  9. ndöp says:

    Tutorial corel drawku di copy paste sama dasar penjiplak!! saya lo ndak diberitau dulu..

    enaknya diapain ya blognya dia?

  10. Mad Max says:

    kalo di luar negeri bukannya ada website porno yang legal? kekekekekek :mrgreen:
    bicara baik2 dulu aja bro… ato tuntut dan somasi beliau? wakakakakak :mrgreen:

  11. @ kuclukz, atrix_hui
    Yah, bagus deh… 🙄
    (padahal saya nggak yakin ada yang ngerti ama bahasa Inggris saya yang parah)
    @ aRuL
    Ya… supaya banyak yang bikin blog.
    Memasyarakatkan blog dan memblog-kan masyarakat. :mrgreen:
    @ rei_psycho d’ st★r
    Maksudnya, kalau kita sudah bisa memanfaatkan SEO, kita bisa mendapatkan trafik yang lebih banyak lagi. Juga dengan berkunjung ke blog orang lain, mungkin pengunjung blog orang lain itu juga akan berkunjung ke blog kita. 🙂
    @ Xaliber von Reginhild
    Yeah, but religious issues are a private rights and it can drive anger from who don’t have same believe and oppinion with us.

    Is the entry meant to be SEO-ed? :mrgreen: *get kicked*

    Well, I just want to write a tutorial post in English. Whether it for SEO or not, I don’t really care. :mrgreen:
    @ MaxBreaker
    Walah, blog baru?
    Sama-sama… ^^a
    *padahal kamu udah lebih dari setengah tahun, kan?*
    @ t4rum4
    Er… is it complicated enough? 😛
    @ ndöp
    Saa udah komen di tempat komennya dia. Semoga dia cepet sadar dan menghentikan perbuatannya. 🙂

  12. Ri says: yg bagus 🙂 jd menginspirasi buat blog yg bagus. Saya c sbnrnya lebih hobi blogwalking ketimbang ngeblog. Terbukti dg blog saya yg masi kosong tanpa post, tapi saya hobi berkelana blogosphere :mrgreen: oia,salam kenal ya. .

  13. bakal aku kopipes nih… :mrgreen:

    *nunggu approval dari webhosting*

  14. @MaxBreaker:
    ‘Kan lagi bicarain blog yang umumnya ngelarang begituan. :mrgreen:

    @Prabu Pandu Asakura®:
    Still, religion maintains its ‘amusement’ for most people. 😛 Besides anti-virus updates. :mrgreen: By the way, fast commenting (resulted from fast-reading) could annoy some bloggers.

    I thought it was SEO-ed… 😛 *get an elbow drop*

  15. @ Ri
    Ayo… blognya diisi. Nanti kalau sudah ada, saya berkunjung kesana… 😀
    @ Strife Leonhart
    Silahkan… silahkan… ^^;
    @ Xaliber von Reginhild
    Well, I still laugh when I see comment on [Suluh’s post] or [Geddoe’s post]. If that’s what you mean with ‘amusement’, I agree with that. Angry people commenting in anger just from misunderstanding.

    Oh, dear… 🙄

    Oh, and antivirus updates are somewhat necessary. If the viruses keeps to be updated and the antiviruses don’t, then who will protect our computer?

    By the way, fast commenting (resulted from fast-reading) could annoy some bloggers.

    Sometimes, the owner feel disregarded if the visitor do commenting before reading the post and take the conclusion.

    I thought it was SEO-ed… 😛 *get an elbow drop*

    Well, I gotta admit that the main Search Engine Terms come to my Senior High School blog community, especially in my tutorial post, was in English. So, maybe if I write a post in English, I’ll get more visitor.

    Well, I’m still practicing, though. 😛

  16. Ah, no, amusement which I meant was its (religion issues) power to draw so much readers. 😛 How it could ‘amuse’ the people to spare their time and leave a note or two (supposedly in emotion if they don’t watch their step 😛 ). But yours is one meaning also; and I’m fully agree that religious issues on blogs (with its comments) could be viewed as a kind of humour (?). :mrgreen:

    Anyway, good luck with your English posts. 😀

  17. uwiuw says:

    i love your quote : “”Never lose yourself. If you do, you can’t solve everything.””Nobody is evil. They just don’t know which way is right.”Yoh Asakura’s quote (Shaman King)

    sori ngak nyambung ama postingnya yah 🙂

  18. Heyya… akhirnya…

    Blogku baru saja aktif… kunjungi ya :mrgreen:

  19. I make a blog just for my ‘diary’ haha, cuz i can’t write something serious like articles or religious issues, or whatever else… I enjoy what i write.
    *Spread the Blog fever! Yeaaa~! *sorry 4 my lack English XP

  20. Makasih… makasih…

    He he he, blog saya masih sepi-sepi aja nih. Jadi sekarang lagi menjalankan poin nomer 2 (^^), juga lagi berusaha “menjebak” lebih banyak teman-teman dan sodara saya untuk ikut ngeblog.

  21. @ Xaliber von Reginhild
    Ah, that’s explain it. The other use of religious posts. 😛

    FYI, I’d ever want to write a post filled with religion topic, because, as you say, it’s power to drive traffic. But I know that my source wasn’t too complete and I didn’t master the topic I want to write. So, I delayed it until I find a trusted source. 🙂

    Well, thanks for your supports. ^^;
    @ uwiuw
    No, no, that’s allright… ^^
    @ Strife Leonhart
    Oke… okee… :mrgreen:
    @ Ravelt (mobile >.> )
    Ah, that’s allright. But, articles? Your posts are already articles in your blog, aren’t they? 😛
    @ Fairuz Azzahra
    Oke, besok saya kunjungi deh. 😀

  22. princerioz says:

    Wah ndu,.,

    Lmyn nih,.,dah mulai taw pake widget sdikit2,.,

    Hehe,., ohh iya,.,. Blog kamu itu install blog ato yg dapet dari wordpress??? bedanya apa ya?? thanks,.,.

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